i'm broke again

we were just friends at the start,
always having fun, never apart,
then one day, some thing sparked
the next thing i knew, you had my heart

the days flew by,
i lost track of time
everytime i was with you,
i was on cloud nine

then one day, you asked me to be your girlfriend
i exclaimed, yes! and prayed we'd last until the very end.

with me in your arms, you told me you loved me,
then gently kissed my forehead and gave me a squeeze.

i was convinced you were the one for me,
apart from you, i would never be.

i looked into your eyes,
trying to find out why,
it was all i could do, not to begin to cry.
where i once saw love, i saw nothing,
i couldn't believe you no longer felt something

i lay in bed, counting my tears
each respresenting what i'd hoped would be years.
years of happiness, for us to be together,
a long-lived life, forever and ever.

but in my heart, i know this will never be,
for in yours, no longer is there a place for me.
i gave you my all, i gave you my heart,
little did i know that you'd tear it apart

everyday i place a smile on my face,
as for tears, there is not a trace.
you ripped me apart, but yet it's true,
forever and always, i stil love you

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Hippo Time :))

Istilah ini di ambil dari kebiasaan kuda nil yg merendam diri dalam air. Sesekali ia memasukkan seluruh tubuhnya ke dalam air. Setelah cukup lama , ia muncul lagi ke permukaan.

Kita pun butuh untuk memasukkan diri ke dalam air yang tenang, merenungkan masalah kita sebelum akhirnya kembali ke dunia nyata.

Ketika kita merenung, memikirkan diri atau menenangkan diri dari suatu kejadian yang tidak menyenagkan yang baru di alami.

Hippo Time bisa sangat bermanfaat , asal jangan terlalu lama.
Putuskan berapa lama "hippo time" akan betlangsung dalam hidup anda. Ingat, jangan lama-lama.
Setelah itu, katakan dengan tegas "Saya menerima kenyataan ini, dan sekarang saya memutuskan harus melanjutkan kehidupan saya."

Inilah masa-masa ketika anda belajar menerima sekaligus berdamai dengan pengalaman pahit anda.

Mereka yang hebat adalah mereka yang bisa bangkit setelah menghadapi masalah.

_di kutip dari majalah Intisari_